Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Still sick
My grandparent´s are so sweet, after i told them they didn´t need to bring ne anything, my grandmother appered at the house with some refrehsment´s for the patient.
Lucky me, thank you, thank you so much.
Ps. The picture reminds me of quality time with Alfrun og Gudni
Posted by
Anna Linda
4:49 AM
hmmm, i am bored
I guess i have way to much time on my hands, being sick i watched Melrose Place O.M.G. That show hasn´t aged well. But i relized thet the actress that play Brea in Desperate Hosewifes played Kimberly in M.P.
Some more trival knowledge i dont need
ps. My Grandfather always say´s that you cant be bored, then it´s just you selv being boring!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Anna Linda
4:35 AM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Prover at være en anelse mere positiv...
........Med henhold til bussen, kigge pa den flotte natur man kan nogle gange se fra vinduet, lave historier om de andre passagere, skrive eller maske læse. Nyde ojblikket mere, og at jeg har en bil til pa onsdag.
Er syg nu, ov ov. Sa jeg nade ikke at komme med til en fest i gar aftens, som var egentlig min house warming ogsa, men jeg haber at har haft en fantastisk aften og at jeg bliver rask strax. K
Posted by
Anna Linda
12:43 AM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Actionpackt Iceland stay, or maybe not !!!!!!!!!!
I was driving home from a dinner party last night, when i saw on the other side of the road that the police had closed down a part of the road, and had stoped a car, i could read in the paper to day that it was a man just aroud 20 that had been driving aroun 190 km speed, the limit is 60 km, hmmmm,, not armed but dangerous.
Have a lovley house and car this week because i am a "baby"cat sitting, she is crazy about shrimps and dried fish. She act´s like a dog, come when i call her name. But she is a little confused, maby because her name is Snudur (A male name) because they found out that he was a she, and then she knew her name as Snudur. She is quite funnie she isn´t bothered to "speak" with me but as soon as i pick up a newspaper or sit by the computer. Then she is all willing to be cudeled and walks on the paper or computer. But i will miss her even when she wakes me up 2-3 times from my sleep every night.
Take care and i will try to party to night, and please do the same :)
Posted by
Anna Linda
3:06 AM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I love Iceland but..............
The public transport system sucks´s, i have to take 3 buses for one hour to get from point A to B, that is from home and to work. If i only had a car, it would take me 5-10 minutes to drive. It´s a straight way but the "wise" people how have planed all the routes, have totally forgotten to have a bus on this road.
Imagine that you are in London and you are in the south part and need to get to another part in the south side, but no no no first you had to ride around some diffrent part of the city and then go back to the south side,
Posted by
Anna Linda
1:48 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Hmm, i do not agree
Your 80s Theme Song Is: |
![]() |
Posted by
Anna Linda
4:26 AM
Skemmtilegir og sætir strakar
Kannski vantar sma myndir af þessem drengjum a þeirra siðu??????
Þessar eru teknar þegar Magnús og Sindri asmat mömmu sinni skutluðu mér a Flugvöllinn.
Posted by
Anna Linda
2:14 AM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I have a very tight realationship wiht these brands, especially Carolina and Honey Drops, but i could shop sient´s forever just as well as bags and shoes :)
This is from my Anna Sui period, the first one (purpel botell) is my favoritte.
Posted by
Anna Linda
7:57 AM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Hey alle sammen
Pa min foerste dag i praktikken, belv jeg sendt hjem og var hos tandlaegen, er nu pa pencilin og haper at det er ikke den rodfyldte tand (som kostet 2100 kr, for ikke sa lang tid siden) sa skal jeg operreres hos en specialist. Men ellers er jeg allerede træt af bus (manglende) system i Reykjavik, jeg skal tage 3 busser som tager lidt over en time til at komme tiol mit praktiksted, men nar man koerer i bil teger det ca 5-10 min.
Jeg ville oenske at jeg kunne ga til denne konsert
TRASH FASHION (UK)Lille VEGA 24.02. kl. 22:00
London-trioen Trash Fashion spiller nu-rave i stil med Klaxons. Deres inspirationskilder går lige fra Daft Punk, Prodigy og Altern8 til Metallica, Guns 'n' Roses og Iron Maiden. Sidstnævnte indsparkere har da også haft en betydelig indflydelse på bandets påklædning, som bla. indbefatter farvestrålende spandex og langt heavygarn. Der er således både lidt lækkert for øjet og øret. I slutningen af 2006 udsendte de deres første udgivelse, It's a Rave Dave, en super cool 10"er, hvor der virkelig er knald på den danseinspirerede rock.
GRATIS TIL 01 - derefter 60 kr.
Posted by
Anna Linda
10:53 AM