It has been a beautiful but extremely cold day to day.
First of all that is going to be a election on the 13 of November, i cant vote because i am a foreigner, but i hope and pray that we get a new government, enough is enough.
In the centre of town a huge truck from Carlsberg, blocked Købmagergade from Skindergade, we waited patiencely for it to move and then when it finally did, we started to move away, but then the driver backed (and went straight for it, not giving the people behind the car change to move)so my bicycle got stuck in some hooks on the back of the car, and then made a bicyclers domino of the ones standing outside a store, in was quite shooked after this. I started to pick up all the bikes, and a girl came out of the store and helped me, she had witnessed what happen t, sweet girl, she made my day.
My main story of today is that i have a wonderful friend named Anna and she is fantastic talented, one of the amazing things she can do is knitting, and Alfrun (another great friend)brought the sweater to me from Iceland, i got it today, i have to show them to the world.
Ástarthakkir til Önnu minnar, ég er svo ánægd, taaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkk
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Have to admit, i am week for pop music, this is the hit in Denmark right now
Dalma Líf, named after Dalmatians dogs and Eva Líf, she turned very old in guinnepig years, she was adopted for while (i thought for a moment that i wanted to move to Reykjavik again) were she saved a young girl for a big trauma. Everyone loved her, even people how are not normally into small animals.
Posted by
Anna Linda
2:07 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
The possibillity that it was, Friday the 13 instead of Saturday, this cold October day. Well actually it started in Canada, when I’ve got a mail that said Manu Chao was having a concert in October, so i asked a good friend to get us tickets, and she did that darling. Well i always forget to write stuff down because i have so much faith in my memory ;)
So in my mind Manu Chao was on the 18 of Oktober instead of the 13 (maybe I got confused with the Beirut concert 18 of November)
One day when i was sitting with the computer i got a mail that National Bank (Thomas Dybdal) and Magnet were having a concert on the 13 of October, i got so exsidet and bought a ticket for me and a dear friend as his birthday pressie and i was really pleased with my self untill i talked to my friend that had our Manu Chao tickets, but it worked out anyway, then my friend that i was going to concert with had an emergency in the family so he would probably not make it. Then I found someone to come with me instead. Then it looked like my friend would make it anyway, then Magnet cancelled from the gig, because of illness in the family, so we are going to Mugison instead in November. But it ended up with that the girl going with my friend to Manu Chao instead of me couldn’t make it anyway, so I’ve got to go to Manu Chao, it was very festive concert and i deeply regret that i didn’t wear sport bra, because there was lot of dancing and jumping involved.
I´ve put some pictures from Gro´s birthday party, a yummie Chocolate mousse cake and beautiful and tasty tapas, ive put pictures from the party into a folder @ fodki.
Posted by
Anna Linda
1:08 AM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
The Gym...
I have witnessed some dodgy things in the shower, some female actually brush their teeth in the shower, and then at the same time shaving the intimate area. Sometomes i close my eyes during the shower, so i can be spared with those visions.
Today i went to a spinning class, and the music was ok, and all over a good hour. But when i was going to blowdry my hair, á young girl (was using all the mirror , by standing upfront to it). She said that she was using the plug after a little while, and i said that i could use it in the meantime. And i took the plug out from the wall, before she was finished, then i said that worked out fine and smiled at her, and she totally ignored me.
There is a slite problem with my crus(lower leg)the muscel on the right leg is much wider then on the left side. What to do???????
Posted by
Anna Linda
7:52 AM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I am so lucky to have many great friends, spread around the globe, and i couldnt imagine live without them.
Love this song and the video is amazing, i think it will be me and some friends 40+ years into the future ;)
Posted by
Anna Linda
11:47 AM
My mind cant follow.
Well again i though i was 18 again, went out 4 night in a row, Sóla and Steinthór have been casting sparkles on the Cph life. But it was a indie night, Electro, house and hip-hop and reggae music. I´ave done my first interview for my paper. I managed to demonstrate against the cut downs, next year. There were about 70.000 people on the streats of Copenhagen to show support. Agla invited my to a concert with Pétur Ben and Audur Arnalds, fantastic acts fro Iceland. It was quite chilled atmosphered, and i did my not so quiet sneezes, and had all the crowd laughing at me, and comments from the stage.
Hope this will wear off me
Posted by
Anna Linda
8:49 AM