Thursday, August 31, 2006

This and that

When you are travelling, can it be hard to bring your complet wardrobe. Like the other day when i had my red suitcase, red coat and to top it i had on red pantyhous :)

went to the swimmingpool today for two hours with only 30 min swim, rest of the time i chilled. On one side of the swimming pool ther were little fluffy white clouds and the sky was blue, but on the other side of the pool the clouds and sky almost looked angry (picture your self an painting by some of the old masters)

1 comment:

svanny23 said...

Er það ekki sirkus djamm í kvöld eftir kökuboðið??:D
Þér er velkomið að gista heima hjá mér like you know:)
Hlakka til í kvöld, see ya!