Thursday, September 14, 2006

Traffic culture....or lack of it and more

Whats going on with some people? If i start with some of them that drive a car and think the sign light are just for decoration and never use it, even thow that will mean smother traffic for all, because i cant get into other´s mind´s , hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
So the one's how ride a bicykel whats up with giving sign to stop, after you have stoped? Or even giving sign to turn, after you have turned, do we need a history lesson in your life??????????
I am becoming one of these horror cyklist, first when i moved to Denmark i didn¨t cykel around like i do now. I patiencly waited for my turn etc. But it is a dog eat dog mentality, so if i need to be somewhera @ a serten time i become one of those beast's. What we need is that everybody would do something about it.

Need to be positive as well, even thow i got a flat tire on my bicykel on my way to school. The wether is beutyful and it¨s around 25¨c. My parent's are coming next weekend. But what really touched me was my grandmother calling from Iceland to tell my how much she missed me. I's murtal (bear over with my spelling ;)

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