Saturday, October 28, 2006
Hvis man har en darlig dag..........
Nanna sendte mig en sjov sms forleden, selv om jeg er ikke sa meget til kede breve,smser osv. Fik denne lov til at komme ud, ens venner skulle beskrive en i et ord, hvad mine venner synes om mig er efterfoelgende.
Farverig, Livsglad, Altomfavnede, Livsbekræftende, Soed, Sjov, Crazy, True friend. Det var meget dejligt at fa denne feedback :)
Ellers sover jeg bare i disse dage, har vaeret halv sloej, men tror jeg er pa vej til normal tilstand nu :)
Min Mor er her pt og min Far kommer naeste weekend, sa det er doemt hygge pa menuen. :)
Posted by
Anna Linda
1:10 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Tha voru nu timar
Sjaid thid frekjuna med tvo eins vagna, vissulega atti eg annan, en hinn hirti eg vist af einhverjum strak i hverfinu, hann for vist ad grata . En eg let ekki svoleidis smamuni fa a mig ;)
Otrulega var eg fallegt barn, (tho eg segi sjalf fra :) thetta eru akkurat sama barna fatatiska og er nuna. Tha var sed fyrir manni, engar ahyggjur allt var gott. Fyndid ad thegar eg var litil var eg ad flyta mer svo mikid ad stækka.
Posted by
Anna Linda
11:34 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
some music news :)
To show consideration to all my family and friends i have decided to take turns on writing icelandic, danish and english in my blog.
Yesterday started Copenhagen Music week, that will culminate in Mtv Europen Music Award, but there are also lot of exciting events, that are more underground and fun to atend. Last night i went to Loppen in Christiania to an consert with The Pipettes Oh No Ono and in between Kernefamilen were playing supercool music (the mixing were up and down), You can check them out on (they have a uniqe sound, my theme song for the winter is "keeping warm in a cold country", so true here in scandinavia)or thepipettes (they sound like a mixture of Le Tigre and 60`s sound). Both bands kicked ass to preform live. Thumbs up from me :)
Posted by
Anna Linda
3:55 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
skrytnir draumar og meira......................
Mig dreymdi ad thad voru graar mys heima hja mer, thær komu ur gardinunum og foru inn um gat a veggnum. Svo stod eg upp, tha sa eg musar mommu liggja med ungann sinn sem var eitthvad veikur og musa mamman horfdi a mig bænar augum, eins og hun væri ad bidja mig um hjalp.. Seinna um nottina dreymdi mig svo rottur, sem skridu upp um vegginn og inn i stort gat.... HHHHHhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Creapy, thetta var svo raunverulegt.. Thetta getur kannski verid vegna thess ad thad er svo mikid ad gera hja mer med althjodlega modulinn, varmestuen, skolann og svo reyni eg ad vinna med. Kannski hafa thessar bækur sem eg hef verid ad lesa i sambandi vid verkefnid, vid erum ad skrifa um folk med gedræn vandamal og list, hvernig vid getum hjalpad theim ad samfelagid liti odrum augum a thu. Thar sem folk a ad sja hvad thau kunna (listin) og ekki hvada sjukdom thau eru med.
Ad skilja Zonu kerfid i Køben, er ekki fyrir hvern sem er. Madur skildi halda ad med ad fara ur zone2- 4, ætti madur ad klippa 2, en thad eru 3, vegna thess ad hun heitir 4.2, eda eitthvad svoleidis. Lestarvordurinn sendi mig ut ad klippa og krakkarnir sem eg var med spurdu hvort hun gæti ekki bara rifid af kortinu, thad gat hun ekki, thau spurdu hana hvort ad lestin bidi ekki, nei sagdi hun. Eg hljop ut og krakkarnir stodu i hurdinni, thannig ad lestin komst ekki af stad. Gott ad fa svona studning. K
Posted by
Anna Linda
8:19 AM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
sjov konsert
Med et super stærkt program inviterer Nordatlantens Brygge til musikfestival i den rå Hal D.
Fem fremragende bands, der alle trykker den af max!
Legendarisk kultband fra firsernes kogende islandske undergrund! Et sjældent særsyn og absolut et must for kendere!
200 (FO)
Alternativ punk/rock på færøsk. Yes Sir - og længe leve republikken! Satirisk og bidende indlæg i kampen for øgruppens selvstændighed.
Tjek dem ud her (kun på færøsk!) eller her.
Gribende, hårdt og drømmende. Oplev Makrels dystre og overbevisende poesi udløst on stage. Læs og lyt mere her.
Rock from the great white pearl! Grønlands største rockband er funky og svingende som bare ...... Se mere her.
Netop hjemvendt fra Airwaves Festivalen i Reykjavik er WMW i topform. Bandets originale stilblanding indfanger stemninger og grooves fra alt lige fra disco, funk, punk og house til 60'er psychodelia. Tjek dem her
Online billetsalg:
Posted by
Anna Linda
12:36 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Dont belive the hype
I went to a consert with one of my favoritte bands, that was sold out in 12 min. They make fantastic music and have cool visuals, but the sound was hiddius, end it seemed to be on playback, quite lousy. I must say that it was some of my worst spent money ever :( I`ll better stidk to what i know :), but i problably cant, i always have to find something interresting.
I miss being on The Iceland Airwaves festival with my friends, i know they will have a fantastic time. Hope the arent any massive que´s so people can enjoy all the conserts they are interesret in. Wish i was there.
Even better, are my cousin visiting me this weekend, luckaly, because i am all alone. Bjoggi are celebrating his birhday in London, wish i was there to.
Well got to rest, i am at the kindergarden from 8-16, and then straight to shelter, were im on to eight a ´clock.
I´ll be going to consert with Viktor and his mum, to listen and dance to children^s jazz.
Have a fantastic weekend and take care
Posted by
Anna Linda
8:55 AM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Jurassic 5 and more
Went to a tight consert with M. I reaeeeeeeeeeeeeealy want to own that elctro track they did.. J. you have to go see them, Jurassic 5 have 2 gigs in Vancouver 29 & 30 of okt.
On thursday my group went to see the , it was an amazing experience The Museum at the Psychiatric Hospital in Århus, so if you are around Riskov in Arhus, check it out.
Tonight it has been culturnight, i went with a big group on Glyptoteket a beutiful museum, were my friend was preforming, so cool. Then we went to Politikkens hus were two photo journalist*s that were showing there pictures and telling about their thoughts about them and what they were feeling during that proces, very interesting. We split up the group and i went on my own to Christianshavn, were i passed by the north atlantic house, were i saw some mask dance from Greenland and more interesting things to see and some folk music. The human right org. had made a house of discrimination, were i went on a disco and to a job interwiev as an man from Kenya, that had been blind for 20 years, very educational. I ended my journey ended in the goverment art and craft workshops, were i saw many diffrent styles of art work. NOw i cant wait to sleep. God bless
Posted by
Anna Linda
4:12 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
text msg. culture
I often wonder about what is the propper thing to do about when you send or receive text message, like for instance when i send my aquaintances , friends and family msg.
Sometimes i dont get a replie when i have asked about something or send information that should be relevant for them. Then i give up, after a while with this lack of response. Maybe they never get my message, maybe they think that i should call them.. I dont know.
Also when i am with someone, and i dont put my phone on silence etc. Hmmmmmmmmm
maybe one should make some rules for whets "the right thing to do"
Posted by
Anna Linda
3:46 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
smile like you mean it
Well didnt get tickets to the Killers, Veto & Blue Foundation :( so i cant smile like a mean it....
Hopefully they will make an extra consert.
The worst spinning class ever this morning.. Another one bites the dust and Fly on the wings of love in terrible eurotrash versions..... Awful, the music police have to make some arrest´s.......
When i was a little girl, my grandmother and Onkel, always bought biscottes for me , a plain little one with a top of marenge, they dont really taste that well, but there are so many memories, i put a picture in later. Because i found them in Netto and bought them just for old time sake. :)
Posted by
Anna Linda
2:18 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
When you miss someone
I was talking to my friend that lives overseas, then i realised how much i miss her..........
It is almost like you get used "to the pain" . So when you finally get together or talk, everything get's stured up inside of you. If i take my self as an example, i am fine living in Denmark, but when i go on a holliday to iceland, all the amotions come up to the surface, and i am always missing someone or something. But J. reamember that i love you and i cant wait to see you in December :* Be a good girl at school and give my love to J. and the rest of the family and friends, you are my little monkey........
We have just started a new projekt ábout mental illness and artistic talent and maybe art as therapy, so excided , i have an exellent group
Posted by
Anna Linda
8:17 AM