Saturday, March 17, 2007

Equal rights !!!!

I have been reflecting on today of what i witnessed in a sleasy club last night.
There was a tourist buying two girls drink after drink, and he abouasly fancied one of them, later on his friend came. Some time passed and they all got seriosly drunk. Then the girl made a pas on guy nr 2 that is the friend of the one how fancied her. He was falling of the chair because of his alcohol level.

Here is my dilemma, if this was vice versa and a guy was making a move on a girl that was that drunk i would have butted in. to help the girl.
This was morally wrong of many reasons
1. To drunk to think claerly.
2. His friend wanted her.
3. It seemed like she had been leading the otherone on.
4. There are surly some other reasons ................

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