Saturday, April 21, 2007

Some stuff

Here in Iceland we celabrated the first day of summer last thursday, i went with my cousins in a parade and then on a show, it was all to help the scout´s to get abroad. Then yesterday "the second day of summer" i had winterclothes on. So it dosent really feel like summer.

Next saturday there will be a parade for straight people and family people, so will the gay peolple have opertunity to wear tshirts that say "my parent´s are straight" "my best friend is straight", i am so sorry that i wont be abel to go, but everybody that has a possebility should go.

last wedensday they had a diffrent beauty contest, somewhere in the country side here in Iceland. The aim is how got the most "extra bagage" marked face etc. Taking the piss out of your typical beuty pageants.

Have a lovely weekend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

já, mér líkar þetta með þessa keppni, sniðugt og alltaf frábært þegar minnt er á að hin innri fegurð er sú sem skiptir máli!!
Hlakka til miðvikudagsins:)
ps. oh, svalabrunchinn, á rauðu teppi, jógúrt með mangó í , namm! Verðum að endurtaka það