Friday, December 26, 2008

Áramóataheitid er ekki alveg ad koma hjá mér.... Blogga meira ;)

Átti frábær jól, fyrst med Álfrúnu, Viktori og Degi, svo i Hjärup med fjölskyldunni. Fór svo til Berlin med Bjögga, Svanhvíti, Ebbu, Hilmari, Evu og Ástu, thad var kosy en svakalega kallt. Næst thegar ég fer til Berlin verdur um vor eda sumar. Vid bordudum margar berlinarbollur (extra mikid úrval í kringum áramótin) Krakkarnir fóru öll á laugardeginum, en ég fyrst sunnudags kvöldid. Ætladi ad gista hjá Tinu vinkonu, en ég var ekki med númerid hennar, fór og hitti Dahn vin minn um kvöldid, nádi svo loks sambandi vid Tinu og átti yndislegan sunnudag med henni og syni hennar á Prenzlauerberg, thad var bara eins og vid byggjum í sömu borginni :)

Annars er ég veik núna, í thridja skiftid í ár, tharf ad láta athuga mig!!!!

Átti afmæli en fékk tvo pakka í gær, 28 feb, thad thótti mér ædi :)

Sma nostalgia

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Gledileg jól

Sakna ykkar allra en hef thad gott í Danmörkinni ;) takk fyrir allt thad lidna og svo hlýtur áramótaheitid ad vera ad blogga meira ;)

Ég var lengi ad finna jólagledina en hún er komin og er ég mjög thakklát fyrir allt thetta yndilega fólk í lífi mínu

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Island er land mitt

Thad var med sorg í hjarta ad ég fór heim til Køben sl mánudag, ég borgad i med dönku visa korti og afgreidslu konan spurdi mig hvernig væri ad vera íslendingur í Danmörku núna. Ég svaradi thví ad ég thekkti ekki thessa mynd sem fjölmidlar eru ad draga upp. Hvernig einni konu var hent útúr búd bara fyrir thjódernid sitt. Allir their sem ég hef hitt hérna bera ekki neinn harm til okkar né skilja eda hafa heyrt um thessa fjandsamlegu framkomu í okkar gard.

Í gær var ég ad lesa politikken og thar voru 2 sídur um Ísland, mörg lofandi ord og svo listi yfir stadi sem reknir eru af Íslandingum hérna, hönnudir og kvikmyndir. Gott framtak og studnings yfirlýsing

Ég set inn myndir frá ferdinni brádum, bædi hér og á facebook

ps. smá blogg sem ég fann um Airwaves

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sunday, October 05, 2008

I cant open my front door, the lock is jammed, then i thought i could get out throw the kitchen (our fire escape) but it seems inpossible!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Bjöggi

party people

more party people

this was just thursday one week ago (still summer) now it´s autum

Monday, September 22, 2008

Simon only 2 months old, extremely cute

i am sailing :)

Theme from Sthlm

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bernahrd and Níls leaving for Wurtsburg

Dancers from India

Eva with Gro´s cats kylie and Felix

Pancake "party" at my place

B-day @ Alexandra

Veddinge bakker in vest sjælland

Monday, September 01, 2008

Some concert photos

Múgison and Pétur Ben @ Small Vega

The stage from El Perro Del Mar concert in Lille vega (were Lykke Li cancelled)

The New Pornographers @ Loppen

Beirut at Big Vega

Eivør Pálsdóttir @ Small Vega

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Eftir dramatiska byrjun á vikunni, pabbi vinkonu minnar lenti í bílslysi og thad kviknad í rútunni frá leikskólanum mínum og búin ad vera veik,lýtur allt betur út núna og ég fer aftur í vinnuna á morgun :).

Mig er farid ad hlakka til ad koma heim í oktober og hitta guddóttir mína ásamt vinum og ættingjum. Fer til Stokkhólms um midjan sept til ad hitta Simon og fjölskyldu.

Er svolitid lítil í mér og vantar ad heyra í ástvinum mínum, afhverju erud thid aldrei inná skype??????

hafdid thad gott

Saturday, August 23, 2008

well i used to play handball and basket ball in my younger days, i am not that sport interested these days untill now my mother is norwegian and Norway won the female gold medal for handball and tomorrow Iceland (my father is icelandic) will problably win the mail gold as well :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

My dear friend Jelena is showing her film at the Montreal film festival this sunday, wish i could be there

FICTION. Xylophobia: defined as a persistent, abnormal, irrational and unwarranted fear of wood, wooden objects or forests.

Jelena Stefulic

August 24, 2008 • 16:30:00 • CINÉMA ONF • ONF.24.4 • Ang.

Xylophobia Canada
Student Film Festival
2008 / Colour / 18 min

Director :
Jelena Stefulic
Script :
Jelena Stefulic
Photography :
Adrian Underhill
Editor :
Pablo Alvarez
Cast :
Shannon Baker, R.Donati, Richard Bernard, Fahreed Abdelhak, Jorgito Vargas


Friday, August 01, 2008

Stella Polaris – Sunday August 3rd

nothing much going on my blog, but there is to much going on, so i thing during the winter pictures from the summer will pop up. My body needed some rest, so i am chilled this weekend and to morrow it is
Stella Polaris – Sunday August 3rd
Østre Anlæg, Copenhagen

DJ Timetable
12:00-13:00 Kalle B vs. Matias & Løwenstein
13:00-13:45 Opiate & Dub Tractor
13:45-14:30 August (Live)
14:30-15:00 Aura (Acoustic)
15:00-16:00 Gooding/Dockerty
16:00-18:00 Chris Coco & City Reverb
18:00-19:00 Nicka
19:00-21:00 Lulu Rouge feat. Trentemøller

nice way to spend a sunday :)

so there is also outdoor cinema and next weekend there is Beat Day festival were Sigurrós, Blue Foundation, Veto, Savage Rose, Yoav and more are playing... But most of all then Bernhard and Níls are coming over JIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBY

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

roskilde festival next saturday :)

wedding / wedding aniversary

it was a beautiful ceremony in Nivå church last saturday, very emotional moving.
the party was great and the food suburb in Karlebo Kro, it is a honour to be abel to share that special day with your friends. During the dinner the Groom relived that they had one year wedding anniversary and only few people knew. The down side was that i was still sick so i went home before the 92 year old grandmother. But thank you all for a lovely day, i will always treasure 28 of june 2008 (and 2007)

Big kissssss

The first concert for me on Roskilde 2008, They are called Press play on tape and they did a cover of Eminem´s "i am the slim Shady"

Friday, June 27, 2008

she is playing on camping sene, Wednesday's at Roskilde- festival, hopefully will i make it!!!!!!!!!!!!

I eve been sick since last weekend, was very proud and denied it and went to work all week, but Thursday i gave up and went home, i´ve been sleeping for most of the time and now its Friday night and my summer holiday started, but it do sent feel like that. I dont know what the weekend will bring with my first festival shift and a wedding, i just have to pray to night and sweat out all teh germs and bacteria.

this picture was taken on the party boat stubniz,in the summer of 2006, that didn´t come to copenhagen last summer but this year it´s back, jibbbbbbbbbbbbby

Friday, June 13, 2008

Stockholm 30/5 - 1/6 2008

townhall tower

a sweet little town just outside Stockholm

cute ballerinas that posed for yours truely

a lovely yatch with a helicopter landing mark, jacuzzi and more, why cant any of my friends or family invite me for a spin ;)

camilla cute and very pregnant


Sunday, June 01, 2008

er svo samm´la

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, KB Hallen Af Michael Ulfus Kjærgaard
( fra

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - elektrisk vanvid

Med ild ud af den lille røv og kaskader af spyt og ord ud af munden vælter det australske spøgelse, menneske og guru rundt på scenen og peger med sin frygtede pegefinger lige i fjæset på sit publikum. »I'm mr. fucking Stagger Lee«, slår han fast og sender en salve kugler af sted til advarsel. Efter to timer og tredive minutters eksplosiv vanvid foran et måbende publikum behøver han kun skyde med løst krudt: Nick Cave har mere ild bagi end nogensinde før.

Sandheden er, at Nick Cave snart fylder 51 år. Alligevel var den australske mester taget til KB Hallen i København sammen med sit seks mand høje The Bad Seeds-orkester for at slå fast, at han ikke agter pensionen og kultstatussens sødme. Så imens det romantiske klaver var blevet opmagasineret, tændte den elektriske ild fra hans, Mick Harvey og Warren Ellis' guitarer i stedet op under den udsolgte sportshal med den frygtelige lyd.

Og selvom det seneste album, 'Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!!', og Grinderman-albummet havde sendt sine tydelige advarsler, var den kolossale elektriske udladning en overraskelse, der fik de ellers prøvede Cave-disciple til først at spærre øjnene op på vid gab og derefter overgive sig til vanviddet på scenen. Herfra blev Lazarus'-sangene leveret som skarpe slagterknive imellem det massive opbud af bagkatalogets yndlinge fra 'Hard on For Love' og 'The Mercy Seat' til Caves klassiske fortolkning af Johnny Cash og Bob Dylan i 'Wanted Man'.

Nick Cave har ubestrideligt genfundet en kunstnerisk gnist, han ikke har vist os siden sin legendariske bibelmesse på Roskilde Festivalen i 1990. Sammen med alderdommens galgenhumor førte det i KB Hallen til en kraftpræstation fra Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, der ikke har sin lige i den samlede rockbranche - ung som gammel. Hvad det fører til, når Cave sammen med Grinderman besøger Roskilde Festivalen til sommer, bør allerede nu føre til sødmefyldte mareridt hos disciplene.

Eksterne links »

Sunday, May 04, 2008

fyrsti almennilegi sumardagurinn :)

næs dagur

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Goddaughter

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

For Eva Líf

Every year when they bloom, make me think of Jelena, Eva and good times in Gothenburg

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Finally spring :)

Took this picture on my way home after a night of dancing, it was around 9am. I still got it :)

today when i was bicycling around in the city and feeling the sun in my face and see everybody looking much happier. Still trying to adjust to summertime.

all the best

Saturday, March 29, 2008

from the danish artist husk mit navn, (remenber my name) nobody knows his real name or how he looks like. this creature can never see the problems in the eye´s but he only have one

f my picture i took outside my work 19 of mars, when the first snow of the winter was melting away outside of my work

Me and Bjöggi watched Fitna that film made by that fanatic Dutch politician, I can’t take that film seriously, first of all he is making all Muslims look bad and chain things together in a very tasteless manner, it would be like taking Faderhuset (fanatic Christians, that bought Ungdomshuset) and saying that how all the Christian are, bonus info fitna means gaining wait in Icelandic.................

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

recykel around you and you self

It just got me thinking because there is an campagne about signing up for organ donation, so please do that. I have already done that years ago, hopefully i will die in old age happy on some warm island. But it would so nice to be abel to help someone out after you leave this planet.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy easter

there has been skitzo wether, it was totally spring feeling and sun last sunday and then on monday an thuesday snow storm, i will post some pictures soon. Had quite uncompteful experience, i was bicykling down town and this maniac tried to push me off the bike, really bad expirence, it is common with kids around 2 years old to hit eachother bacause they lack words, bot com on a grown up....

well today Svanhvit and me took some stuff down from the (oppiste of basement) so we are chillin and Nonni will come later.

long frida we are going out to Vega with Jeppe to listen to Trentemoeller and Kasper Bjoerke

saturday and sunday chill with Viktor and -Alfrun an monday dinner in iva with my friends

happy holidays

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Var ad spá í ad skrifa á íslensku í thetta sinn :) Veit ad ég er ekki búin ad vera öflug ad blogga, en bara brjálad ad gera og ofaní thad er ég hálf heimilislaus thessa dagana. Vegna framkvaemda i í íbúdinni, er verid ad skipta út rörum o.m, en hey vid Björgmundur erum komin med svaka fancy klósett :)

Thad er búid ad vera brjálad ad gera í vinnunni, thar sem ég er m.a. ordin ábyrg fyrir málörvun fyrir krakkana, fer á marga spennandi fundi og er ad fara á stóra rádstefnu í mars. Svo eru líka búid ad veran mikid af skemmtilegum tónleikum en haest af bera Tegan og Sara, en er med tónlistarblogg á myspacinu mínu.

Hitti loksins vinkonur mínar úr skólanum seinustu helgi, thad var svo frábaert ad sjá thaer aftur, sáumst seinast á útskriftinni okkar. Thad aettu ad vera fleirri tímar í sólarhringnum.

Bródir minn flutti aftur til Ísland í dag, held ad muni hafa thad frábaert :)
Thessa helgi er ég í gódu atlaeti í Hjärup (their segja "jerup") og er ég strax ordin ný manneskja

Svo langar mér sérstaklega ad hvetja Helgu til ad koma í heimssókn :) og endilega spjöllum sem fyrst aftur

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Champagne brunch

Champagnebrunch (søndage i tidsrummet 11 - 14)
Champagnebrunch - tre slags sild, æg og rejer, roastbeef m. asparges, ristede løg og remoulade, leverpostej m. champignon og bacon, røræg m. bacon, prosciutto, crodu, parmaskinke m. honningmelon, chorizopølse, italiensk omelet, ost- og frugtfad, yoghurt m. müsli, amerikanske pandekager m. ahornsirup og marmelade

Hertil: Hjemmebagt brød, rugbrød, kaffe/the ad libitum. Et glas friskpresset appelsinjuice og Cava Brut

I am going tomorrow with some lovely ladies to a treat of a brunch buffet :)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

accident at work

i came walking with a little baby in my arms and a little boy was crying in the hallway, so i hug him and tried to make him feel better, (still holding the baby in my left arm) when the other child bit me in the right site breast, and my reflex was that the right arm went out and i hit another little boy in the middle of his forhead and i felt back and stared crying as well, so there i was alone with a little baby and two very sad boys, but then my co workers came to my rescue.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Tina and Leo that hosted Svanhvit and me in Berlin

Rolf and Hilda that hosted Svanhvit and me in Berlin

Caspar that hosted Svanhvit and me in Tempelhof

Maya (Caspars dog)

One of my favoritte places in Fredrickshain

ab anted amusementpark close to treptower

One of amny great stores in Prenzlauerberg (this one suports local artist and designers

Beraes of love and different religions

tv tower or the alxandratower as i call it

The blind resturant

svanhvit telling Robert, Bernhard and Nils a story, and me paparazzing :)

svanhvit, nils and me on longbridge

langebro i potsdam