Saturday, December 29, 2007

happy new year :)

2007 has been a great year, i was quite stressed because 2006 were quite hard for me and some of my loved ones, but Jelena and me agreed on that 2007 would be a new beginning.
Some wonderful kids have been born in the last year, one of them is Hekla Himinbjörg my little cousin,daughter of my brother and sister in law became parents 9 nov ´07.

I spent the 6 months in iceland doing my practise in a great school, Barnaskóli Hjallastefnunar Yngri Eining, and in Ránargrund at the Smábarnaskóli, i learned so much and got to know many great and memorable people.Iwish for them to open a kindergarden in Copenhagen. It was lovely to spent time with family and friends, but time flew by. My friend took me to Patereksfjordur and that was my first visit in the west cost, deffenetly not the last. My cousin Camilla got married to her Pontus in a beautiful ceremony. My stay ended with driving the circle around Iceland with a fellow couch surfer Jonas from Sweden. That was amazing i had never done that before.

After 2 days in Copenhagen i went to see my friend in Canada, i absolutely loved that stay, met some of J & J friends, NEMO (my favourite 4 leg creature in the whole world). Took bus to Calgary were i was staying with my family (that i never met before)and i really felt connected to them, specifically Marge and Glen, i will be back for the Dina sour Trail (Drum Battle) then to Salmon Arm were there was magic in the air with Bozenka and some more dear friends.I miss Canada.

Family reunion in Drammen in the beginning of sept ember with my parents and Atli. Many of my relatives i was meting for the first time and some other i didnt see for 10 years or more. Another great weekend.

In the beginning of desember i went to see my little Hekla and tryed to see all the new babies that have been born this year, i manged to see Jakob and Börk as well.

There have been some visitors, Malla, Sóla, Elín, Gudjón and more, come again!!!!!

Many concerts this year but some of the most memorable were Björk and Hot Chip (Evas birthday), Au Revoir Simone in Vancouver and Arcade Fire in Copenhagen, the most disappointing concerts were Beirut in Vega (he was sick and should have canselled ) and on Manu Chao there was a really crummy sound, buhu.

Have just spent Christmas's with my family in Hjärup, Sweden and will have the new years celebration in Nivå with some dear friend.
I wish you all happy holidays


Anonymous said...

Gleðilega jólarest og frábært nýtt ár með ótal möguleikum. Takk fyrir okkur.

Anonymous said...

Gleðilegt nýtt ár og takk fyrir allar frábærar stundir sem við höfum átt saman!!
Árið 2008 á eftir að vera yndislegt og spennandi og ég hlakka bara til að hitta þig sem allra fyrst
og Saga og Eldar biðja auðvitað að heilsa

Anonymous said...

Gleðilega hátíð ezkan og hafðu það roooosa gott :):)


Anonymous said...

Takk fyrir kvedjurnar elskurnar hlakka til ad sjá ykkur aftur :)
Ást frá Køben
Anna Linda

Anonymous said...

Gleðilegt nýtt ár og vona að þú hafir haft það gott yfir jólin :)
við erum búin að hafa það voða gott á nýja staðnum vonum bara til að sjá þið fljót á nýju ári

knus frá okkur í Svöluás

Anonymous said...

Gleðilegt ár snúlla:)
Þetta á eftir að verða ótrúlega spennandi ár..2008!:)
Hlakkar svooo MIKIÐ til að hitta þig í Berlin og fara til Köben!:)
Hafðu það rosa gott!
Knús og kram

Anonymous said...

Takk fyrir frábært ár skvís. Það var frábært að fá að hafa þig svona lengi hjá okkur á klakanum á þessu ári. Hafðu það gott um hátíðirnar og vonandi sjáumst við sem fyrst aftur á nýju ári. Knús og kossar Sóla Jóla