Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It has been a beautiful but extremely cold day to day.
First of all that is going to be a election on the 13 of November, i cant vote because i am a foreigner, but i hope and pray that we get a new government, enough is enough.

In the centre of town a huge truck from Carlsberg, blocked Købmagergade from Skindergade, we waited patiencely for it to move and then when it finally did, we started to move away, but then the driver backed (and went straight for it, not giving the people behind the car change to move)so my bicycle got stuck in some hooks on the back of the car, and then made a bicyclers domino of the ones standing outside a store, in was quite shooked after this. I started to pick up all the bikes, and a girl came out of the store and helped me, she had witnessed what happen t, sweet girl, she made my day.

My main story of today is that i have a wonderful friend named Anna and she is fantastic talented, one of the amazing things she can do is knitting, and Alfrun (another great friend)brought the sweater to me from Iceland, i got it today, i have to show them to the world.

Ástarthakkir til Önnu minnar, ég er svo ánægd, taaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vá, hún er rosalega flott, nýja peysan!
En hvað þetta hefur verið glatað þarna með carlsbergbílinn, gott að þessi stelpa hjálpaði þér, annars hefðir þú verið alveg eyðilögð. Það er víst ennþá nokkrar góðar manneskjur þarna úti, hjúkks