Monday, October 15, 2007

The possibillity that it was, Friday the 13 instead of Saturday, this cold October day. Well actually it started in Canada, when I’ve got a mail that said Manu Chao was having a concert in October, so i asked a good friend to get us tickets, and she did that darling. Well i always forget to write stuff down because i have so much faith in my memory ;)
So in my mind Manu Chao was on the 18 of Oktober instead of the 13 (maybe I got confused with the Beirut concert 18 of November)
One day when i was sitting with the computer i got a mail that National Bank (Thomas Dybdal) and Magnet were having a concert on the 13 of October, i got so exsidet and bought a ticket for me and a dear friend as his birthday pressie and i was really pleased with my self untill i talked to my friend that had our Manu Chao tickets, but it worked out anyway, then my friend that i was going to concert with had an emergency in the family so he would probably not make it. Then I found someone to come with me instead. Then it looked like my friend would make it anyway, then Magnet cancelled from the gig, because of illness in the family, so we are going to Mugison instead in November. But it ended up with that the girl going with my friend to Manu Chao instead of me couldn’t make it anyway, so I’ve got to go to Manu Chao, it was very festive concert and i deeply regret that i didn’t wear sport bra, because there was lot of dancing and jumping involved.

I´ve put some pictures from Gro´s birthday party, a yummie Chocolate mousse cake and beautiful and tasty tapas, ive put pictures from the party into a folder @ fodki.


Anonymous said...

Yummie, both the cake and dancing to Manu Chao!

Anonymous said...

Kristoffer (bródir Alex) og ég sátum í sófanum, vorum köllud japanarnir vegna tídra notkun myndavéla okkar :)

Anna Linda